As every year during the summer holidays happen a raining day, so I took the opportunity to make potato gnocchi with my grandmother.
Con questa ricetta partecipo al contest:
Avevamo a disposizione i formaggi "Romani" prodotti in Malesia seguendo però le antiche tradizioni italiane. In questo caso abbiamo utilizzato il Gorgonzola Dolce a pasta dura Romani.
We had the "Romani" cheese that is product in Malaysia following the ancient italian traditions. In this recipe we used the Romani sweet Gorgonzola.
1 kg di patate
300 gr di farina 00
100 gr di grana
1 uovo
q.b. di noce moscata
1 kg of potatoes
300 grams of flour 00
100 grams of parmisan cheese
1 egg
q.b. nutmeg
Per la salsa
100 gr di panna
q.b. gorgonzola
For the sauce
100 gr of cream
q.b. of gorgonzola
Lessare le patate in acqua bollente e poco salata, sbucciare le patate e schiacciarle finché sono ancora calde.
Boil the potatoes in lightly salted boiling water, peel and mash the potatoes while they are still hot.
Boil the potatoes in lightly salted boiling water, peel and mash the potatoes while they are still hot.
Mettere le patate schiacciate a fontana sul tagliere, aggiungere il grana, 1 uovo e la farina, impastare bene.
Put the mashed potatoes on the chopping board, add the Parmesan cheese, 1 egg and flour, mix well.
Put the mashed potatoes on the chopping board, add the Parmesan cheese, 1 egg and flour, mix well.
Tagliare un po' d'impasto ed arrotolarlo su se stesso formando dei vermicelli lunghi, tagliarli con un coltello a cubettini di 1 cm circa e passarli nel retro della grattugia in modo da creare una superficie ruvida che raccolga bene il sugo, disporli su piano infarinato.
Take a piece of dough, and roll it out gently with your hands until you have a potato vermicelli with 1/2 cm in diameter, pass them one by one along the back of a grater, pressing gently with the thumb so as to obtain a concave shape on one side and hollow on the other that will better absorb the sauce, and then lay them out on a floured top.
Take a piece of dough, and roll it out gently with your hands until you have a potato vermicelli with 1/2 cm in diameter, pass them one by one along the back of a grater, pressing gently with the thumb so as to obtain a concave shape on one side and hollow on the other that will better absorb the sauce, and then lay them out on a floured top.
Metterli a cuocere in acqua bollente salata finché non vengono a galla, quindi scolare e condire a piacere.
Bring at least 3/4 quarts of salted water to a boil, gently drop the gnocchi, a few at a time, into the water. As soon as they rise to the surface, remove them with a slotted spoon, draining well. Continue cooking the gnocchi in the same manner.
Sciogliere il Gorgonzola Romani in una casseruola con un pò di panna in modo da creare una salsa liscia e servire. Si possono condire con ragù di carne, sugo al pomodoro oppure ai formaggi come il gorgonzola nel nostro caso.
For Gorgonzola Sauce, bring the heavy cream to a simmer over medium add the gorgonzola cheese in pieces. Stir until all the cheese melts and the sauce becomes smooth. You can serve gnocchi with meat sauce, tomato sauce or cheese like gorgonzola.
Bring at least 3/4 quarts of salted water to a boil, gently drop the gnocchi, a few at a time, into the water. As soon as they rise to the surface, remove them with a slotted spoon, draining well. Continue cooking the gnocchi in the same manner.
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Gorgonzola Romani |
For Gorgonzola Sauce, bring the heavy cream to a simmer over medium add the gorgonzola cheese in pieces. Stir until all the cheese melts and the sauce becomes smooth. You can serve gnocchi with meat sauce, tomato sauce or cheese like gorgonzola.
sembra delizioso.Grazie per questa ricetta
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